Sunday, October 29, 2006

holiday gift ideas part 1: slippers

as many of you know, i sometimes use this blog as my version of a "wish list" for those who might want to buy me lovely gifts. might i suggest you do the same? it's worked out quite nicely for me (hello, purple shoes!) ;) so, since it's been such a roaring success in my life, i thought maybe the rest of you could use some help with your gift list...either giving or receiving.

so, let's start with slippers: talk about a traditional gift. but there are quite a few options out there this year that are really fabulous, and certainly deserve to be on your list. i know they're on mine!

first up are these darling little numbers from one of my personal favorites, marc jacobs. not cheap, at $235, but honestly, i think they almost don't qualify as slippers, i mean, really...i know i'd wear these everwhere in the winter. i'm afflicted with permanently freezing feet, so the thought of getting to run around town in shearling is highly attractive to me.

next up are these adorable cashmere slippers from banana republic. yes, i said cashmere. and lined in cashmere, about yum! they come in all sorts of colors, but i really like the grey pinstripe. hmm, or the red.....and the black is great too..... :) and only $68 at your friendly neighborhood banana republic store.

now let me be clear before i even begin this next suggestion. i don't like uggs. for those of you that do, sorry...but they're called "ugg" for a reason. that said....i will admit to some sideways glances and slight covetousness coming over me when i'm completely freezing, and i see someone whose feet are obviously toasty warm inside her large, clunky, unattractive, ugg boots. fortunately for my fashion sense and my cold toes, i've found a solution! these ugg slippers (only cute in the 'coffee' color shown here, thank you) carry all of the yummy warmness, and none of the "ugg" for which i so despise the rest of the line. $85 at the official ugg site, or i'm sure they'll pop up at a retailer near you just in time for the holidays.

so, there's a start for my, er, your holiday wishlist....stay tuned, as i'm sure the list will get longer :)