Wednesday, April 16, 2008

what i want today: missoni scarf

i've been coveting a new scarf for positively ages - and the coveting was finally reinforced when even my darling hubs told me he'd seen more than enough of the ancient (but lovely) j.crew version i'd been sporting for the last 3 winters. i know it's not really scarf weather any more, but i continue to covet nonetheless.

for me, the ultimate would be one of the many beauties by missoni, who does an amazing job of making scarves that will go with anything, and in virtually any weather.

the version above ($225) is a cotton blend, so it's never too heavy, but at 9" wide, it's still thick enough to bundle you up when you need the warmth.

and i've been in love with this silk-trim version since i first spied it months ago. sadly, at $660, it's probably not coming home with me...but it's definitely in the "covet from afar" category.

either way, i'm sure to be warm and toasty all summer long. hey, that air conditioning can get bitter!