Tuesday, April 08, 2008

sale of the day: marc by MJ at barneys

i made a little visit to barneys yesterday, and had to let you all know they have loads of lovely new items on sale...including some fab MbyMJ scores. among them, that lovely graphic print top (above) that i've been coveting since i first spied it. naturally, they're out of my size...but if the tee fits, i hope someone will snag this cutie.

don't miss this fantastic coat that would be well worth picking up, if only to store it away until next fall. and i picked up a fantastic vince cashmere cardigan for $150...it's a little more fun than this one, but the price is definitely right either way.

check out all the goods here.

PS...random tanget, but i simply do not see how this item of clothing, lovely though it may be, qualifies as a "dress".