Thursday, June 28, 2007

EXCLUSIVE discount from a truly fabulous designer

for those who don't remember, i did a little write-up on the designer who started halsea, a fabulous company that specializes in travel-friendly bags and accessories. anyway, i recently received an email from sally, the designer, who wanted to thank all of YOU for reading up about her offering all of you darling readers a 20% discount off her entire site!

how fabulous is that!?

anyhoo...use code cardio20, and pick up a whole new travel ensemble! seriously, i want one of everything. her roller bag is impossibly perfect - durable enough to be checked, but cute enough to actually make you excited to pack! and the weekend bag (the piece i fell in love with first) is honestly the absolute perfect size for an overnight getaway. even the totes are the perfect balance of practicality (hello, waterproof canvas?!) and cute. you can mix and match the designs, or be the most coordinated girl on the plane.

either way, you can't miss with any of these gorgeous designs, and you certainly can't miss by supporting sally's company, as she is one of the sweetest designers i've ever had the pleasure of chatting with!