Tuesday, July 10, 2007

what i want today: pretty much everything at nest

this site has crossed my radar before, but it popped up on the daily candy deals email i received this morning, and i took another look. nest has really improved its offerings, and they have several things that have me reaching for my credit card this morning. plus, it's all for a good cause, so the shopping is completely justified...even necessary!

this gorgeous wool throw would be the perfect way to modernize any living room or bedroom. i love how cheery and colorful it is, and the print is bright and fun, and just the right amount of girly. only $40 on sale!

i am seriously lacking in the jewelery department. i covet much, but rarely buy...and the result is that i have a few classic pendants, but not much that's really "fun." plus, i fear my style leans a little too far toward classic for some of the really trendy pieces i tend to fall in love with. but these gorgeous gemstone beads are right up my alley. they're like a fun version of the classic pearl strand. i'm picturing them with a chic black sweater and jeans, or my white shirtdress by doo.ri for gap. pick them up for $45, which is a steal for a necklace like this one.

i have absolutely no idea what i'd do with this, but it's so darn cute, i'm tempted to order it anyway. sure, it's kitschy...but i think it crosses over into what i like to call 'kitschy-chic'. anyway, it's $27.50, so not exactly a major investment.

nest also strikes me as the perfect spot for gifts, and something tells me a number of my friends will be receiving goodies from this site when the holidays roll around. take, for example, these darling little pocket mirrors, in 3 different designs (here, here and here). you know you'd use this every day, and you'd think of me whenever you did - that's a pretty perfect gift, especially when it's only $8.

pick these, and so many more fun goodies, up now...unless i get to them first!