Friday, June 09, 2006

Love of the day: Michael Kors Boots

well, since yesterday was serious, i think it's only fair that today be entirely trivial :)

lately, michael kors and marc jacobs have become two of my new favorite people...well, really, i stare at them in awe from a distance. but, lucky girl that i am, i just got this as a bonus for a huge project we just completed at work:

another view

sigh! i love it.

not that we'd expect such a fabulous new acquisition to curb the shopping beast :) natch, i know already what my next obsession will be - these amazing KORS boots. to be honest, i almost never wear boots, so it seems like a frivolous purchase. but then again, i know if i had these, i'd change my mind and wear boots all the time!

aren't they just gorgeous?? not too cowboy, but they can definitely go casual. and the heel dresses them up just enough to go out on the town. sooo pretty :)

If you too become obsessed, you can find The Boots at Saks, just as you might expect.